Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pseudo Spring

What is winter doing
with the likes of spring?
Purple flower propagate
and wolf spiders wander 
in the fresh new green.

The wattle begins to bud, 
The blowflies buzz
as the first premature mosquito
makes his barbarous debut

There's nothing like a hug 
from the winter sun
As we lie supine
The whites of our thighs glisten 
as the icy southern wind 
licks our legs and sets our hairs upright

The butcherbird has a prodigy
To carry his song
Sporting a fresh new down of brown 
to show he will belong

Looking down upon us
his mother beckons with little clicks of her hooked beak 
and looks at me with refulgent eyes
she knows i know it wont be long
we exchange food for a song.

How i love my speudo spring
it's still winter but im not afraid 
of what the wind will bring

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