Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What is the Ego?

This term ‘Ego’, is one of the most commonly used terms in Spirituality and Psychology along with other heavy hitters such as Self, Synchronicity and Spirit but what does it actually refer to? There are so many contexts in which it can be used, so where do where start? 

In the most general sense, it is a functional seemingly solid 'sense of Self' constructed by a rapid series of  thoughts, symbols and ideas which give the illusion of a me, an I. Like an old slide projector in which "the real man is a series of momentary men" each one different from the other, seemingly bound yet split into segments, or "now points." Each segment being reinvented and relabeled as our sense of identity evolves. 

This being said, if someone asks you to "show me your 'Ego', your 'I'..." you will probably point to the 3 pound lump of tufu in the middle of our skull, or begin to talk about your memories of who you are or your role in society as a parent, a daughter, a child or a business man or an athlete. Yet do these roles reveal your true Identity? Ask yourself a few questions, and pause after each one;

"If you are who you think you are, then who are you when you are not thinking about yourself?"

If who you are what is in your mind, then what are you when you are in a deep state of dreamless sleep?

"If I am I because I am I, 
and you are you because you are you, 
then I am I and you are you. 
But if I am I because you are you 
and you are you because I am I, 
then I am not I and you are not you!"

If you are your body, then who are you if you loose all your limbs?

Feeling confused... or feeling a strange sense of spaciousness? don't worry, we can play with word symbols all day and still come no closer to pinning down exactly what "you" are, and if anyone tells you they can, then they are even more confused than a baby in front of a mirror. Below I have provided a few short contextually flexible ideas referring to this symbol known as the “Ego”. Enjoy yourSelf hehe.

A Latin word literally meaning “I”


- Bertrand Russell (The Analysis of Mind)

"The Ego is a conditioned repetitive moment. It is all that is made up in the mind.” 

 - Alan Watts

“The ego is nothing but a resistance to what is”

 - Adyashanti

The Self (atta) is a wave
Not Self (anatta) is the ocean.

Conditioned Consciousness

Self Consciousness

The illusory Sense of Self

Social Identity, “Me”, “I”

The Illusion of Separateness.

The misplacement of our centre in outward objects (materialism, spirituality, religion, family, social identities)

A filtering system for your senses. 

“The Ego is Electromagnetic energy + kinetic energy”

Our Ego is made up of our;
  • Judgments
  • Opinions
  • Beliefs
  • Ideas
  • Perceptions

It is strengthened by Fear and perpetuated by development of;
  • Ignorance
  • Greed
  • Hatred

“What is meant when we say the word “I”? It is myself, my personality or my “Ego”. What is it? It is your image of yourself. Its composed of your learned experience, what people have told you that you are. Its an idea, its your thought about your Self. An organism doesn't exist as an isolated thing anymore than a flower does not exist without the dirt from which it arises. In this way we are not separate from the vast social environment in which we have grown.”

- Adyashanti

“Nothing in the structure of thought is ultimately true. This doesn’t mean its not useful it is a tool, a wonderfully useful tool however it has usurped reality and created its own reality. We find our self image within this “Ego”, within our thoughts.”

- Adyashanti

Tat Tvam Asi (That art Thou)

Sat Chit Ananda (Truth, Knowledge, Bliss)

Philosophy noun (the 'I') (in metaphysics) 
The subject or object of self-consciousness; the ego. 

(My commentary on the above...How can the ‘I’ be a noun? A noun is solid, fixed and when it comes down to it, people aren’t fixed...) 

Psychology (Freudian) 
The part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.” It is the The seat of reason, judgement and “common sense”.

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